Getting rid of smoke and odors is a frequent source of frustration for a large number of individuals. They continue to try because they have not been able to find a solution in the past. Now, they will discover that the Sentinel Products cleaners are the answer to their long-standing smoke and odor problems. Here is the information they were searching for.
A presentation of Sentinel Products, Inc.
The Sentinel Products, Inc. manufactures an entire line of products that not only combat odors but also eliminate them. This is required for any type of project a person may be working on. This company offers the following products to eliminate odors such as smoke, mold, and mildew:
- Sentinel 505 Smoke And Odor Laundry Wash
This is the laundry detergent that will eliminate odors from clothing and other washable items. It is safe to use and an absolute necessity for any laundry room.
- Sentinel 522 Smoke & Odor Cleaner & Destroyer
This is an odor-removing cleaner. It gets to the root of the issue rather than simply covering it up. It is a water-based, non-hazardous solution. It leaves behind a fresh scent after eliminating odors such as urin, feces, and smoke, among others. It is an essential cleaner that every household should possess.
Sentinel 522RW Smoke And Odor Removal Wipes As Cleaning Towels
These are in the form of towelettes, and they are used by those who wish to eliminate odors. Utilizing a cleaner to remove grease, grime, dirt, and odors from the surface prior to applying these products is optimal.
- Sentinel 522OB Odor Destroyer Block
This is a cleaner that can be utilized in a variety of ways to reach those inaccessible areas. It is designed to eliminate odors in these areas and is simple to employ.
- Sentinel 525 Furniture Restorer
This product makes it simple to restore furniture. Not only does it clean, but it also eliminates odors and is an all-natural furniture polish.
Sentinel 531 Smoke & Odor Neutralizer
Having this concentrated odor product will eliminate the odors that have plagued many people for decades. This product is safe and non-hazardous to use.
Sentinel 586 Fresh Scent Enzyme Cleaner and Odor Remover
This is a potent cleaner that utilizes enzymes to eliminate odors. This is the type of pre and post cleaner that many individuals have been searching for.
Sentinel provides the products that consumers have been seeking. They appreciate that these products not only leave behind a pleasant scent, but also eliminate the source of the odor problem. People are able to remove a wide variety of odors from clothing, furniture, floors, and walls, among other surfaces, with the help of this company’s excellent line of products.