Tag: mold and mildew coating

Sentinel 24-7 Interior Mold & mildew Resistant Coating

mold remediation

mold remediationWhy it’s excellent for interior applications

Sentinel’s 24-7 Interior Mold & Mildew-Resistant Coating is a high-quality antimicrobial coating that contractors and homeowners can use to improve the durability of the final paint coat and to adjust the color to match interior decor. This coating is ideal for interiors that will see a lot of traffic. The coating is stain resistant and prevents odor-causing bacteria, like mold and mildew from growing on surfaces.

How do I apply Sentinel 24-7 Interior Resistant Coatings?

To apply Sentinel 24-7 interior resistant coating, you need to follow some simple steps.

1. Material preparation – First, ensure that the product does not freeze either before or after the coating is applied. You should apply the coating at temperatures above 50o F. Mix the coating thoroughly in the container to achieve an even consistency. The mixture should be smooth and free of lumps. Do not add any water or other solvents.

  1. Surface preparation – Wash the surface you intend to coat. Check that the surface is free of any mold, mildew or dirt. Then, rinsing the surface thoroughly with water will allow it to dry completely. Before coating the surface, remove sand or spackle. You can also sand glossy areas in order to make the surface absorb the coating more effectively.
  2. Before applying the coating, make sure that the surface to be coated is completely dry. You need to let the coating dry on the surface for 7 days or more to get the antimicrobial properties. It’s best to remove all the items in the room prior to applying the coat. You can also apply the paint at 90o in order to achieve a smooth and consistent surface.

    Notes on Important Things

    This product is suitable for surfaces such as sheetrock and plaster. It can also be used on framing wood. This is because the product has self-priming qualities and therefore, would not require a second coating to protect respective surfaces. You should apply an oil-based primer before applying the Sentinel Interior Resistant coating to new woodwork. For metal surfaces, you must first apply a primer that inhibits rust before applying the Sentinel 24-7 Interior Resistant Coating.

    Sentinel 24-7 Interior Resilient Coating will prevent mold, mildew and other dust particles from adhering to surfaces. This will increase their lifespan.